Letter from the Editor:
About the Creators:
Dear readers,
As someone who is interested in cardiology and who has done multiple CCU rotations, I have found that not all residents feel comfortable in the CCU. There were many times I heard my fellow residents asking for advice and things to read prior to starting their rotations and feeling unprepared for the rotation ahead of them. Many of the resources available are geared towards cardiology fellows and can be overwhelming to many residents who are not as familiar or comfortable with cardiology. My goal for this website was to compile high-yield topics with original, easy to comprehend illustrations so that learners had a central place to obtain relevant and important cardiac topics. All authors on this website are Internal Medicine residents, making this a resource created by residents for residents. Each topic was peer-reviewed by both fellows and attendings to ensure all information is as up to date and accurate as possible at the time of publication.
I would like to give a special thanks to Cardiology Fellow, Dr. Satish Mishra, for personally talking through, reviewing, and editing each topic. When I think about the doctor and educator I want to be, Satish comes to mind – he is patient, knowledgeable, and an incredible educator. He contributed many hours to this project and should be recognized for his commitment to not only medical education but also supporting residents in their own medical endeavors.
Additionally, I would like to thank Gila Baer for helping me put together and design this website. Without her help, this website would still be just an idea.
Finally, I would like to thank each resident who helped contribute chapters, as well as each fellow, pharmacist, and attending who edited each chapter for content.
I hope you learn as much as possible from this website so that you are as prepared as possible for When the Beat Drops.
Rebecca Garber, MD
Editor, Writer, and Illustrator, When the Beat Drops
Rebecca Garber, MD, an Atlanta, Georgia native, received her medical degree from Temple University before flying west to Chicago to complete her Internal Medicine Residency at University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC). Being interested in both medical education and cardiology, Rebecca is passionate about taking complex cardiac topics and making them understandable to others. By combining her love for both cardiology and art, Rebecca often incorporates her own, original drawings (displayed throughout this website) into her teachings to help others learn. During her residency, Rebecca engaged in many research and educational activities, such as publishing in JACC and presenting at ACC and ACP, in addition to giving institution-wide lectures, such as Grand Rounds and M&Ms. In the upcoming academic year, Rebecca will be the Medical Education and Research Chief at UIC and will be applying to cardiology fellowship.
Satish Mishra, MD is passionate about medical education and can frequently be found in the CCU teaching medical students and residents about high-yield cardiology topics. After finishing his cardiology fellowship and Chief Cardiology year at University of Illinois, Satish is now pursing his Advanced Cardiology Imaging Fellowship at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
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